2023 – Ireland

2023 Irland

Trip to the south-west of Ireland

I had the incredible opportunity to attend a team meeting in Cork, Ireland. As it was my first visit to this captivating country, I decided to arrive early and spend the weekend exploring the coast, camera in hand. My journey began in Dublin, where I picked up a car and set off on an adventure to Dingle.

The weather was less than welcoming, with wind and rain accompanying me all the way. By the time I reached Dingle, it was already dark. Despite the dreary start, I was eager to capture the essence of Ireland’s rugged beauty.

The next morning, though still windy and rainy, I set out on the coastal road. I had done some research on potential stops but mostly let the scenic route guide me. My first major stop was the famous rocks of Coumeenoole Beach. The dramatic landscape was awe-inspiring, and I moved on to the wild expanse of Clogher Head. The wind here was so fierce I had to hold my camera steady while filming. The ridge path was a challenge with my gear and the relentless wind, but it was absolutely exhilarating.

Next, I visited Clogher Strand, inspired by a YouTube video of a famous photographer testing a new lens in the same spot. The waves crashed against the stones, and the wind whipped the sea spray around, creating a perfect setting to film the raw elements. The little patterns and details everywhere made it a fascinating place to explore.

On my way to Portmagee, where I planned to stay the night, I drove through Conor Pass, shrouded in clouds. Though the views were obscured, I found a small waterfall and couldn’t resist stopping, even if it meant getting soaked in the rain. The narrow roads in the dark and rain were challenging, so I aimed to arrive in Portmagee before it got too late. The town was charming, and I enjoyed a hearty meal at a local pub before settling in for the night.

The following day was still rainy and windy. My plan to visit the Kerry Cliffs was thwarted as the path was closed, so I headed to Puffin Sound. From the road, I walked across fields to the cliff’s edge, where the view of Puffin Island was spectacular. The interplay of rain and sun created a dramatic scene, perfect for photography.

St. Finan’s Bay was my next stop, a rugged beach with sharp cliffs where waves crashed with incredible force. I spent a significant amount of time filming the waves before moving on to Ballinskelligs Castle. The castle’s reflection in the water was enchanting, and I wandered around the nearby abbey, capturing its serene beauty.

Exploring the map, I found the Abbey Island area intriguing. Driving through a forest, I was captivated by mossy trees illuminated by soft sunlight. I stopped, set up my tripod, and ventured into the woods to capture this magical scene. The Abbey Island and its surrounding beach did not disappoint, offering soft hills and a picturesque landscape. As I climbed through the high grass, a sudden downpour forced me to seek shelter by a rock. When the rain ceased, a rainbow appeared behind me, adding a touch of wonder to the scene.

With the sun setting in a couple of hours, I aimed to find a spot overlooking the cliffs and the sea. Ballyvohane Harbour, opposite Abbey Island, seemed perfect. Climbing the ridge, I prepared to capture the sunset, but clouds obscured the view. Despite this, I managed to get some stunning shots of the sun higher in the sky.

All in all, my two days in Ireland were nothing short of incredible. Experiencing and capturing nature in such a raw and powerful way was deeply rewarding, leaving me with memories and images to cherish forever.